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P07 High Energy Materials Science Beamline @ PETRA III (HEMS)



The High Energy Materials Science Beamline HEMS at PETRA III satisfies high energy x-ray diffraction (XRD) and imaging techniques. It is tunable in the range 30 to 200 keV, and it is optimized for micrometer focusing with Compound Refractive Lenses (CRLs).

In-house and development activities are shared between Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon (formerly Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht) and DESY. Hereon is focusing on engineering materials science applications with two experimental hutches, and DESY operates one experimental hutch for hard XRD experiments.

HEMS has partly been operational since summer 2010. Regular user operation started June 2011, the last dedicated instrumentation (3D-XRD grain mapping) has been commissioned end of 2013.

P07 High Energy Materials Science Beamline @ PETRA III Image

Helmholtz Imaging spinning wheel

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