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Small Angle X-ray Scattering - SAXS

With SAXS structural and dynamic properties of soft matter can be studied. This allows the measurement of shape, size and oligomeric states of samples in solution, pf pastes powders and films. Applications of SAXS can be found in a wide range of scientific disciplines from Material Science, to Chemistry, to Physics, to Biology. Typically with Small Angle X-ray Scattering length scales from 1-100 nm are probed.

In particular in the field of structural biology SAXS is continuing to gain popularity due to the advantage to investigate shape, conformation and assembly state of proteins, nucleic acids and various macromolecular complexes, in solution without the necessity to grow crystals.

Related modalities include WAXS, SANS and GISAXS.

Resources used

South Carolina SAXS Collaborative (SCSC)

Diamond Light Source on SAXS

Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf on SAXS


A practical guide to small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) of flexible and intrinsically disordered proteins

Kikhney A, Svergun D - FEBS Letters - 2015

scattering pattern on 2D detector, scattering curve
X-ray intensity
monochromatic beam of X-rays

Helmholtz Imaging spinning wheel

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