TFS Titan Krios G4 (Krios)
The Krios G4 (Thermo-Fisher Scientific) is a 300 kV FEG cryo-electron microscope with X-FEG field emitter and a three-lens condenser system. The detector options are a Gatan BioContinuum energy filter mounted K3 direct electron detection camera and a bottom mounted Falcon 4(i) detector (FEI). Combined with fringe-free imaging (FFI) and aberration-free image shift (AFIS) in EPU, high-throughput imaging rates can be achieved. The microscope can be tuned set up for single-particle imaging, STEM and tomography experiments. Additionally, the Titan Krios is equipped with a Panther detector system (4 segments and annular dark-field detectors) that can be used for iDPC and HAADF-STEM imaging. The acquisition rate for a single particle sample on the Titan Krios is ~250-700 acquisitions/hour and we have achieved a maximal resolution of 1.7 Å with an apo-ferritin test sample.
Cryo / liquid nitrogen conditions
Autoloader with up to 12 grids
Automated data acquisition at cryo-conditions
Volta phase plate