DR. Thomas van de Kamp
Institute for Photon Science and Synchrotron Radiation (IPS)
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
Building 329, Room 124
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
Head of the IPS/LAS BioLab at KIT; coordinator for biological imaging and the institute's activities in the research topic “Building Blocks of Life” of the Helmholtz program “From Matter to Materials and Life” (MML).
My research interests include insect functional morphology, evolution and diversity & X-ray imaging of biological and paleontological specimens.
Evolution of flexible biting in hyperdiverse parasitoid wasps
van de Kamp T, Mikó I, Staniczek A, Eggs B, Bajerlein D, Faragó T, Hagelstein L, Hamann E, Spiecker R, Baumbach T, Janšta P, Krogmann L - Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences - 2022
Juvenile ecology drives adult morphology in two insect orders
Rühr P, van de Kamp T, Faragó T, Hammel J, Wilde F, Borisova E, Edel C, Frenzel M, Baumbach T, Blanke A - Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences - 2021
Introducing Biomedisa as an open-source online platform for biomedical image segmentation
Lösel P, van de Kamp T, Jayme A, Ershov A, Faragó T, Pichler O, Tan Jerome N, Aadepu N, Bremer S, Chilingaryan S, Heethoff M, Kopmann A, Odar J, Schmelzle S, Zuber M, Wittbrodt J, Baumbach T, Heuveline V - Nature Communications - 2020
Parasitoid biology preserved in mineralized fossils
van de Kamp T, Schwermann A, dos Santos Rolo T, Lösel P, Engler T, Etter W, Faragó T, Göttlicher J, Heuveline V, Kopmann A, Mähler B, Mörs T, Odar J, Rust J, Tan Jerome N, Vogelgesang M, Baumbach T, Krogmann L - Nature Communications - 2018
Preservation of three-dimensional anatomy in phosphatized fossil arthropods enriches evolutionary inference
Schwermann A, dos Santos Rolo T, Caterino M, Bechly G, Schmied H, Baumbach T, van de Kamp T - eLife - 2016