DR. Federico Raimondo

Research and Infrastructural Software Engineering for Machine Learning (RISE-ML)
Applied Machine Learning Group
Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-7: Brain and Behaviour)
Forschungzsentrum Jülich

I am a Computer Scientist with a particular interest in the study of what I consider to be the most beautifully engineered computing architecture: the human brain.

My history starts in Patagonia, were I grew up. I slowly started migrating north. I first moved to Buenos Aires where I enrolled in a bachelor and masters in Computer Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires. During my first years, I was fascinated on how low-level mathematical and logical operations could produce highly-complex graphical and intelligent systems. Later on, I enrolled in a PhD to continue working on signal processing in brain signals. I kept moving north, crossed the Atlantic and converted my PhD in a joint tuition between the University of Buenos Aires (computer sciences) and Sorbonne University (cognitive neurosciences). My PhD focused on the study of consciousness, where I employed machine-learning and data-driven models to diagnose patients with disorders of consciousness and study the relation between cognition and global states of consciousness.

After my PhD, I migrated north again and became a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Liège in Belgium, where I continued discovering and unravelling the mysteries of the human mind, keeping in mind the clinical applications. However, after experiencing the needs of clinical researchers, patients and caregivers, I depicted that the promise of artifical intelligence as a knowledge-enhancing methodology in clinical domains is still far from being real: we need explainable, accountable and transparent AI.

To this matter, I decided to go back to my origins, back to Computer Science. I am currently a post-doctoral researcher in the Applied Machine Learning group, at the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine - Brain and Behaviour (INM-7), where I do research developing algorithms and methods for trustable AI.

Overall, my research is centred towards developing algorithms and processing high volumes of data in order to use state-of-the art computing technology to answer scientific questions about human consciousness and cognition.

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Helmholtz Imaging Projects
2024: BrainShapes - Laplace-Beltrami shape descriptors of brain structures: Comparative optimization and genetic dissection

Send mail to Federico Raimondo (f.raimondo@fz-juelich.de)

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