DR. Giovanna Diletta Ielacqua

MDC Berlin
Preclinical Research Center (PRC)

MRI, fMRI, preclinical neuroimaging, optogenetics, pain, mouse models


High-sensitivity detection of optogenetically-induced neural activity with functional ultrasound imaging

Edelman B, Ielacqua G, Chan R, Asaad M, Choy M, Lee J - NeuroImage - 2021

Closed-loop cavitation control for focused ultrasound-mediated blood-brain-barrier opening by long-circulating microbubbles

Cavusoglu, Mustafa, Zhang, Jia, Ielacqua, Giovanna Diletta, Pellegrini, Giovanni, Signorell, Rea Deborah, Papachristodoulou, Alexandros, Brambilla, Davide, Roth, Patrick, Weller, Michael, Rudin, Markus, Martin, Ernst, Leroux, Jean Christophe, Werner, Beat - IOP Publishing - 2019

Dysfunctional Autism Risk Genes Cause Circuit-Specific Connectivity Deficits With Distinct Developmental Trajectories

Zerbi V, Ielacqua G, Markicevic M, Haberl M, Ellisman M, A-Bhaskaran A, Frick A, Rudin M, Wenderoth N - Cerebral Cortex - 2018

Prospective administration of anti–nerve growth factor treatment effectively suppresses functional connectivity alterations after cancer-induced bone pain in mice

Buehlmann D, Ielacqua G, Xandry J, Rudin M - Pain - 2018

The role of beta-arrestin2 in shaping fMRI BOLD responses to dopaminergic stimulation

Sahlholm K, Ielacqua G, Xu J, Jones L, Schlegel F, Mach R, Rudin M, Schroeter A - Psychopharmacology - 2017

Quantitative assessment of microvasculopathy in arcAβ mice with USPIO-enhanced gradient echo MRI

Klohs J, Deistung A, Ielacqua G, Seuwen A, Kindler D, Schweser F, Vaas M, Kipar A, Reichenbach J, Rudin M - Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism - 2016

Magnetic Resonance Q Mapping Reveals a Decrease in Microvessel Density in the arcAβ Mouse Model of Cerebral Amyloidosis

Ielacqua G, Schlegel F, Füchtemeier M, Xandry J, Rudin M, Klohs J - Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience - 2016

Extracting Vascular Networks under Physiological Constraints via Integer Programming

Rempfler M, Schneider M, Ielacqua G, Xiao X, Stock S, Klohs J, Székely G, Andres B, Menze B - Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2014 - 2014

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