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Multispectral Imaging

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Multispectral imaging

Multispectral imaging captures image data within specific wavelength ranges across the electromagnetic spectrum. The wavelengths may be separated by filters or detected with the use of instruments that are sensitive to particular wavelengths, including light from frequencies beyond the visible light range (i.e. infrared and ultraviolet). It can allow extraction of additional information the human eye fails to capture with its visible receptors for red, green and blue. It was originally developed for military target identification and reconnaissance. Early space-based imaging platforms incorporated multispectral imaging technology to map details of the Earth related to coastal boundaries, vegetation, and landforms. Multispectral imaging has also found use in document and painting analysis. Multispectral imaging measures light in a small number (typically 3 to 15) of spectral bands. Hyperspectral imaging is a special case of spectral imaging where often hundreds of contiguous spectral bands are available.

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Wikipedia contributors. "Multispectral imaging." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Aug. 3, 2024.

Multispectral imaging captures image data in specific wavelength regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Wavelengths may be separated by filters or acquired using instruments sensitive to specific wavelengths.

In spectral imaging (multispectral and hyperspectral), also wavelength ranges outside the visible spectrum are used, i.e. light of frequencies beyond the visible range (infrared and ultraviolet). By using these bands of the wavelength spectrum, information can be obtained that cannot be detected by the human eye with its receptors for green, blue, and red.

The difference to hyperspectral imaging is the number of spectral bands measured. While multispectral imaging measures rather few bands (up to about 15), hyperspectral imaging can measure hundreds of contiguous spectral bands.

electromagnetic wave
transverse wave, incoherent wave

Multispectral Imaging Image

Helmholtz Imaging spinning wheel

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