Vlad Badilita

Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Campus Nord
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
Building # 307, Rm. # 231
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

  • Contact person for CORREL Lab at KIT - the correlative characterisation laboratory by means of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging (NMR/MRI) and X-ray imaging (XRI). CORREL Lab has a 7T horizontal bore magnet for NMR/MRI characterisation and an Excillum source for XRI.

  • Customised solutions for magnetic resonance detection at the microscope (i.e., sample volumes below 1 µl) for various applications: energy storage devices and materials, biology, chemistry.

  • Microfabrication, microfluidics, lab on a chip devices.


Real‐Time NMR Monitoring of Spatially Segregated Enzymatic Reactions in Multilayered Hydrogel Assemblies**

Nordin N, Bordonali L, Davoodi H, Ratnawati N, Gygli G, Korvink J, Badilita V, MacKinnon N - Angewandte Chemie - 2021

Untuned broadband spiral micro-coils achieve sensitive multi-nuclear NMR TX/RX from microfluidic samples

Davoodi H, Nordin N, Munakata H, Korvink J, MacKinnon N, Badilita V - Scientific Reports - 2021

Electrodeposition of chitosan enables synthesis of copper/carbon composites for H2O2 sensing

Islam M, Arya N, Weidler P, Korvink J, Badilita V - Materials Today Chemistry - 2020

“Small is beautiful” in NMR

Korvink J, MacKinnon N, Badilita V, Jouda M - Journal of Magnetic Resonance - 2019

Send mail to Vlad Badilita (vlad.badilita@kit.edu)

Helmholtz Imaging spinning wheel

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